Privacy Policy

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the services of www.factoplastica. com are subject to the terms of this section as well as to the relevant provisions of the Greek (Law 2472/1997 for the protection of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of L. 2819/2000) and Community law (directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC). These terms are formulated in the light of both the rapid development of technology and in particular the Internet and the existing – albeit underdeveloped – set of legal regulations on these issues. In this context, any relevant arrangements will be the subject of this section. In any case, reserves the right to modify the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users, in accordance with existing legislation. If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section, he must stay away from the services of the Network.

The personal information collected by the website is as follows:

Possible orders through e-commerce

For the use of the possible e-commerce services of www.factoplastica. com the following information is requested from the visitor / user: Name / Business Name – Address of the natural person / Headquarters of the company – PC – Telephone – Email – fax – Vat – Tax Office – City – Country.

The above information is also required for the issuance of the relevant documents (tax) and is kept in the financial file of FACTOPLASTICA and / or its associates www.factoplastica. com may use the data relating to the type of goods and services acquired through e-commerce in order to record the buying interests of the trader and to make new offers, unless the visitor / user of these services requests to do not make such offers. The data concerning the purchasing interests of the visitor / user are never disclosed to third parties.


For the registration of the visitor / user in the mailing lists of the Newsletters of only the E-mail is requested. may maintain a file of recipients’ email addresses for the purpose of sending other informational or financial messages in addition to the Newsletters, unless the recipient so wishes. This information is never disclosed to third parties. The recipient of the Newsletters can be deleted from the file with the email addresses by selecting Delete from the newsletter at the bottom of the newsletter. www.factoplastica. com can delete any recipient without justification.Χρήση email

The following information is required to provide the visitor / user with an e-mail address to access specific services of the Network: Name / Company Name – Address / Headquarters – Postal Code – Telephone – City – Country. This information is never disclosed to third parties, while the owner of the email address must maintain the confidentiality of the password in it and not disclose it to third parties. does not control the content of the e-mails sent by the visitors / users through the e-mail address provided by the site. maintains a file of the above email addresses and may send informational and financial messages to the email address holders unless they wish to do so. The respective use of the e-mail address by the holder is accompanied by an information note that informs him about the protection of the data he sends or receives and the treatment of relevant problems.Συνομιλίες online / Message boards

www.factoplastica. com may record the content of the messages sent by the visitors / users of the relevant services exclusively for the detection of violations of their terms of use as provided in particular in the legal notice and for no other purpose. www.factoplastica. com may not disclose the contents of the relevant messages to third parties unless the author agrees.Διαφήμιση

The visitor / user who is interested in advertising on www.factoplastica. com in order to receive all the necessary information for this should fill in the relevant information in the relevant application: Name / Company Name – Address / Headquarters – Telephone – Fax – E- mail – Name of the Manager – City – Country.Το www.factoplastica. com δεν ευθύνεται για την πολιτική προστασίας των προσωπικών δεδομένων που ακολουθούν οι διαφημιζόμενοι σε αυτό κατά τις συναλλαγές τους με τους επισκέπτες / χρήστες των υπηρεσιών αυτών.


www.factoplastica. com may use cookies to identify the visitor / user of certain services and pages of the site (eg newsletters). Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each visitor / user and do not receive knowledge of any document or file from his computer. They are used to facilitate the access of the visitor / user regarding the use of specific services of the site, for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the services of the Network are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The visitor / user of can configure his server in such a way as to either warn him about the use of cookies in specific services of the site, or not to allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in any case. In case the visitor / user of the specific services and pages of the site does not wish the use of cookies for his / her identification, he / she cannot have further access to these services.

IP Addresses

The IP address through which the PC has access to the Internet and then to the Network is used exclusively for the collection of statistical data.

General terms of protection of personal data
www.factoplastica. com preserves the personal character of your data and may not transfer it to any third party (natural or legal person) for any reason with the exception of relevant provisions of law and to the competent authorities only.

www.factoplastica. com maintains files with personal data, which are sent by the visitor / user exclusively for communication, financial and tax purposes.

The visitor / user can contact the relevant department in order to check the existence of the personal file, its correction, its change or its deletion.

Visitors / users of www.factoplastica. com who are minors have access to the services of the site only with the consent of their parents or guardians and have no obligation to submit their personal information. In case of submission of such data by minors, the site deletes the relevant information.

Factoplastica and in particular the marketing department may process part or all of the data that you have submitted for statistical, financial and improvement purposes of the services – information provided.